Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Dogfighting: A National Problem

Mike Vick is not alone with the fight against the KG Dogfighting Android App. Everyone from the organization People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals or PETA  to actress Alicia Silverstone have begged and pleaded for the App to be dismissed and Google refuses to budge. If dog fighting was some out of this world, alien, never actually seen or heard of idea, it would be one thing, but dog fighting is a national problem.

According to the Humane Society Web-site, dog fighting is when two dogs are 'specifically bred, conditioned and trained to fight.' They are placed into what dog-fighters call a pit where they will fight each other, often times to the death, while spectators watch and gamble on the event. Fights are usually about one to two hours and only end when one of the dogs cannot go on. It also emphasized that street fights have become more popular over the last year.

From: Web-site
The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals or ASPCA (yes the people from Animal Cops on Animal Planet) estimates that the number of people involved in dog fighting is in the tens of thousands.It is interesting that so many people are involved because in all 50 states, dog fighting is a felony. ASPCA says that in some dog fighting raids they have seized over half a million dollars. Others get involved for their own sick enjoyment. ASPCA is combating dog fighting issues in New York by having the ability to make arrests on offenders.

There is a light to Vick's conviction and sentencing due to funding a dog fighting operation; people are aware. Personally I did not know that so many people were involved with the sadistic pass-time. Although there was harm done before the 2007 conviction, Vick's efforts towards awareness and fighting against this App show redemption. He has taken several occasions to talk to high school students about the dangers associated with dog fighting and how to be an active leader.

From: Web-site  

At the end of the day it is important to think about your moral beliefs. I don't think cruelty can ever just be a game. Google claims that it is 'just a video game' but when a video game glorifies a crime that happens daily then it is not longer 'just'.The  DoSomething web-site suggests that the only way to get rid of dog fighting is "experts in gangs, drug abuse, poverty, education and psychology, as well as law enforcement, are needed to understand and combat dog fighting at each level. Preventing today's youthful spectators from becoming tomorrow's dog fighters is the challenge the humane community faces for the future". Educating seems to be the correct path to take a stance against dog fighting, so it looks as if Vick is heading the right direction.

Wanna take a stance against dog fighting?
Check out these web-sites: 
Tell Android to Block Dog Fighting App
 The Humane Society of the United States
Take a Stance Facebook Page

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

No more Dog-Wars... or KG Dogfighting games. ENOUGH!

Well it looks as though Mike Vick fell short of winning the cover photo for Madden2012. He is now spending time speaking out against dog fighting; particularly against a  game which he says glorifies dog fighting. 

Currently there is an android app from Google called ‘KGDogfighting’ that allows people to feed, train and eventually fight dogs electronically via the app. The Humane Society as well as Vick are not the least bit thrilled about this.
Photo From: HERE

 "I've come to learn the hard way that dog fighting is a dead end street. Now, I am on the right side of this issue, and I think it's important to send the smart message to kids, and not glorify animal cruelty - even in an Android app," states Vick the Humane Society web-site

According to the Anti-Cruelty web-site, a Chicago-land organization, dogs involved in dog fighting can be injured or killed during fights. Dogs that lose are also subjected to torture, starvation or are simply killed for not being victorious. Often times other animals are involved, like stolen pets or strays, used as bait to train dogs. Dog fighting is something that is nothing other than ANIMAL CRUELTY. (WARNING! this link may be graphic) Anti-Cruelty also suggests that dog fighting is harmful to people, especially our children and degrades the community by reinforcing crime, theft and abuse. The Anti-Cruelty Society’s Humanitarian of the year is one of the few trying to stop the crime. 

The award winner is police officer, Sgt. Steve Brownstein, works full time on the issue of dog fighting. Since May of 1999, Brownstein has seized 700 dogs and made over 200 arrests. He faces much adversity being a man standing up against the crime, even by fellow officers who have alienated him and giving him the nickname ‘Dogman.’ Brownstein notes that one of the scariest things about dog fighting is the effect it has on children; discussing a time when he seized a dog for fighting from a 12-year-old boy who later was convicted of raping a 7-year-old girl. He believes these events go hand in hand. Violence is a huge issue for Brownstein who says he has seen children snap the necks of puppies. 

Butch Campbell took an in-depth look into the underground world of dog fighting in the city of Chicago. He directed a documentary that takes an in-depth look at the harsh realities of dog fighting that take place every day within the city.

Progressive for-profit media entity Change.org has launched a campaign against the game, which it says glorifies animal abuse and criminal activity.  Its petition to drop the game currently has 29,332 signatures.
Obviously, dog fighting is a serious issue. So serious it is criminalized. This does not stop Kage Games from marketing a game titled, KG Dogfighting. They have responded to critics saying that it is just a game. They may be trying to enforce their First Amendment of the Freedom of Speech but anything glorifying an illegal activity seems unlawful in my eyes. It’d be one thing if once the game was over the dog fighting operators went to jail to show that justice was served. 

Maybe someone should create another dog fighting app that once played your phone gets a massive virus that completely ruins you processing system. That’s just my opinion though. The idea that justice has been served might just come across.
Photo from: http://www.care2.com/causes/animal-welfare/blog/is-androids-dog-wars-app-really-just-a-game-

Until then, I am fully behind Mike Vick and the Human Society. Hopefully standing up for what’s right and just (with the support of redeemed and public figures) will prove fruitful and the game will be banned.